As I remember the looks in the eyes of the young troops I transported back to America from Iraq and Afghanistan it is hard to say that America is safer place since the events of September 11th. When I think of America I think outside the geographical location and think of the people that make up America. There are so many people that have given their lives for our safety and freedom. I do not think America is a safer place then it was before the events of September 11th and I will give a couple reasons to support my opinion.
Before September 11th troops were performing the duties they were trained to do. If you look at any base you will see that the people that normally protect are bases are deployed and the security police performing these duties are now augmented troops from all types of different career fields. These troops that are augmenting the security forces are medics, computer technicians, and logistics handlers to name a few. The training they receive is minimal. After you take them out of their normal job you deal with the fact that they are disgruntled. If our bases are not even protected at a level they were before September 11th how can they be safer now. And if our bases are not safer, how can America be safer?
One of the other reasons I think America is not safer is the fact that we are a nation of pride and we will stand up for what we think is right or what others in control think is right. For this reason we put American troops on the front lines of battle everyday. The people that get paid to protect America on a daily basis are in a foreign country fighting for our freedom. The fact is if you have a chip on your shoulder, there will always be somebody trying to knock it off. Before the events of Sept 11th we did not have as many troops deployed overseas. The fact that we do have so many deployed overseas and the fact in a lot of cases we do not know who the enemy is makes it more dangerous for American troops.
Another thing that attracts the terrorist and insurgents is the fact that it seems like the United States is trying to Americanize countries that do not want to have the same culture we have in America. Other countries religious beliefs do not follow a lot of the rights we stand for. When we try to impose our beliefs on other countries that do not want it we get resistance and we have those that want to get there message clear to the U.S. These insurgents may be the most dangerous because they are not fighting for money or land; they are fighting for what they believe in. These people pose a threat to America and those defending America in foreign countries, but what about those getting into our country illegally.
With so many illegal aliens getting into our country it makes it easier for homegrown terrorist to attack. In the latest case at Ft. Dix, the six would be terrorist may have carried out their plan if it were not for the actions of a video store clerk. It seems like Americans are more alert of suspicious activities, but I don’t think this makes America safer, I think it just shows that we our scared of the next big attack on our home soil. We have so many organizations that have been created since the attacks of 9/11 to provide better security in America. I don’t know how many times over the last three years we have seen people in charge of these departments step down. Are they stepping down because they are not getting the job done, or are they realizing that no matter what you do you can’t hold everybody as a suspect? You would think with the increase in border security you would have a decrease in the amount of illegal aliens in our country and in our prisons. You may be wondering “what does the amount of illegal aliens in America have to do with the safety in America?” The point I am trying to make is that if it is so easy for illegal immigrants to keep on crossing the border, why does America think it will be harder for terrorist to sneak into the country? I don’t think it will be, and it is impossible to state the number of terrorist that are in the United States right now. On our home soil our terrorist our biggest threat in society today?
With the tragedy at Virginia Tech about a month ago, it seems like Americans should be afraid of other Americans, just as if we were in foreign country. Maybe if we placed more emphasis on issues like stricter gun laws in America we could start protecting ourselves from, well ourselves. We see the car bombings and insurgent attacks in Iraq on the news everyday, but we dont see the inner city gun battles and armed robberies that plague our nation. The only time a killing appears on the news is if it is a mass casualty situation or a car chase. What is the difference between insurgents in Iraq and a gang member in the streets of Los Angeles? The only thing I can think of is if a gang member in Los Angeles kills somebody they have rights and only go to jail for 10 years. If an insurgent kills somebody an American troop can kill them whenever a viable threat occurs. I think we would be a safer country if we were to enforce laws in our own country the way we do in others. Maybe we do not give a second chance to the 15 year old kid that shoots someone and gets off because they are a minor? When congress tried to pass a law prohibiting anybody on the suspected terrorist list the NRA threatened to take them to court saying the law makers were discriminating against certain ethnic groups. It seems everybody wants America to be safe until it starts taking money out of their pocket or inconveniencing them. As Americans we are spoiled and we expect to get our way. After September 11th the airports took a stricter policy on screening passengers. Everybody liked the idea until it came their turn to fly. Then the complaints started coming in, “The lines are too long” or “I have to show up at the airport too early”. Even though these stricter policies ensured the safety of the flights, it seemed Americans would rather risk their flight being hijacked then taking an extra couple of hours to make sure everything was safe and good to go. When it comes to Americans we seem to be stubborn in our ways. I think if another attack happened in our country, we would see the same unity we saw the initial weeks after the attack, but then what? If we want our country to be safer we need to reevaluate our priorities as Americans.
Maybe if we look at the places we get our goods imported from we can cut down some of the security measures. Instead of spending billions of dollars on wars, we could fund better technology into the study of an alternative oil source. Just think if Iraq did not have anything to offer the United States, would we really be over there? If we were not over in Iraq then our troops could protect the United States the way it should be protected. I think we spend so much time helping other countries out that we do not take into account our own nations security. If we want to succeed as a nation then we really need to start thinking about the American people first and cracking down on gun violence in America. For America to be safer we do not need to go overseas to fight a battle, we need to go on the offensive right in our own country.
Until next time "HAVE A NICE DAY"

Me and My Boy
Monday, May 14, 2007
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Milk Prices on the Rise
Everyday it seems the price of something else jumps to a new high. Electricity, gas, and now milk. It seems that nobody realizes the average person is not getting a raise to go along with the increase in products in which we need to live.
The biggest one right now is gas prices. It seems every week there is a different reason for the increase in gas prices. A few weeks ago gas prices were actually reasonable and then Iran kidnapped the British soldiers. When that happened it seemed like everybody lost their mind. The price per barrel of oil actually fell but the price at the pumped sky rocketed. To top it off, the consumer is forced to buy gas because not everybody has a Metro around them to help with transportation. This funny thin happened, the British troops were released, but the gas prices kept on climbing and our still on the rise. What is to blame for this? The media says a higher demand and lower supply is driving the prices up, but is that the case, or just another excuse to put money into the pocket of the oil producers. I for one am getting tired of it, I wish we could go back to the days when we had horses, but then again farmers would raise the price of hay.
The next item I want to address is the astronomical rise of electricity bills starting in January. What the F&%$ is Ameren thinking? I was one of the lucky ones, my bill only raised about a hundred dollars. This company claims that they have to raise prices so they do not go bankrupt, but then turn around and give their top level executives huge bonuses. And then they pay off politicians so the Governor cannot reinforce the rate freeze. Any representative from Illinois lives in Illinois so why would they purposely want to pay more for electricity unless they had some underlining agenda. It makes me sick to see the average person get raped by the electric company. You have single parents that struggle to provide for their children and then you raise prices like electricity while they are working and going to school at night. I feel so bad for those people. If the rate freeze does not go through I think they should audit the accounts of all the politicians that voted against it and punish them once they find out why the rate freeze did not get passed.
After reading some articles this morning, I saw that the price of milk is going to increase. The reason why, is producers are saying that the price of ethanol is rising so they need to increase the consumer price of milk. The other reason, which makes me sick, is that there is a greater demand overseas. What the *&%*^*%^^$&*? We don’t even worry about taking care of the people in our own country; we want to take care of those in other countries. Everything in America is about money, and we are so worried about other countries; what they have, what they want, how can we use them. The war in Iraq is not about people, it is about what they can do for us in terms of oil.
The common denominator in these 3 issues, is the fact that no matter how much gas, milk, or electricity increase in price, we will pay for it. America is full of pride, we would rather pay 3 dollars a gallon of gas to ride around in a fancy SUV then ride a bike to work. We always want to look better then the person beside us. We want the biggest house, the nicest car, and the freshest milk. Does it matter what the price is? No, we will pay for it, so why do we complain? I dont know but I am guilty of it. I work hard for what I have so I want to use my car, my air conditioner or heater, I want my kids to enjoy milk. The companies that produce the product are not stupid; we are the ones that are stupid because we will keep buying their product. Until next time “have a nice day”.
The biggest one right now is gas prices. It seems every week there is a different reason for the increase in gas prices. A few weeks ago gas prices were actually reasonable and then Iran kidnapped the British soldiers. When that happened it seemed like everybody lost their mind. The price per barrel of oil actually fell but the price at the pumped sky rocketed. To top it off, the consumer is forced to buy gas because not everybody has a Metro around them to help with transportation. This funny thin happened, the British troops were released, but the gas prices kept on climbing and our still on the rise. What is to blame for this? The media says a higher demand and lower supply is driving the prices up, but is that the case, or just another excuse to put money into the pocket of the oil producers. I for one am getting tired of it, I wish we could go back to the days when we had horses, but then again farmers would raise the price of hay.
The next item I want to address is the astronomical rise of electricity bills starting in January. What the F&%$ is Ameren thinking? I was one of the lucky ones, my bill only raised about a hundred dollars. This company claims that they have to raise prices so they do not go bankrupt, but then turn around and give their top level executives huge bonuses. And then they pay off politicians so the Governor cannot reinforce the rate freeze. Any representative from Illinois lives in Illinois so why would they purposely want to pay more for electricity unless they had some underlining agenda. It makes me sick to see the average person get raped by the electric company. You have single parents that struggle to provide for their children and then you raise prices like electricity while they are working and going to school at night. I feel so bad for those people. If the rate freeze does not go through I think they should audit the accounts of all the politicians that voted against it and punish them once they find out why the rate freeze did not get passed.
After reading some articles this morning, I saw that the price of milk is going to increase. The reason why, is producers are saying that the price of ethanol is rising so they need to increase the consumer price of milk. The other reason, which makes me sick, is that there is a greater demand overseas. What the *&%*^*%^^$&*? We don’t even worry about taking care of the people in our own country; we want to take care of those in other countries. Everything in America is about money, and we are so worried about other countries; what they have, what they want, how can we use them. The war in Iraq is not about people, it is about what they can do for us in terms of oil.
The common denominator in these 3 issues, is the fact that no matter how much gas, milk, or electricity increase in price, we will pay for it. America is full of pride, we would rather pay 3 dollars a gallon of gas to ride around in a fancy SUV then ride a bike to work. We always want to look better then the person beside us. We want the biggest house, the nicest car, and the freshest milk. Does it matter what the price is? No, we will pay for it, so why do we complain? I dont know but I am guilty of it. I work hard for what I have so I want to use my car, my air conditioner or heater, I want my kids to enjoy milk. The companies that produce the product are not stupid; we are the ones that are stupid because we will keep buying their product. Until next time “have a nice day”.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Who is to Blame for What Happened in Blacksburg
If you know what happened this week at Virginia Tech everybody could be quick to put the blame on Seuing-Hui Cho. The 23 year old is responsible for the slaughter in Blacksburg, or is he? Yes, he was the one the pulled the trigger and the one that ended the lives of 32 other human beings before killing himself. I want to talk about the things that Cho was not responsible for. Now before I say my piece, let me make clear that I do not condone what he did and I think everybody is responsible for their own actions.
Who was responsible for selling 2 hand guns to Cho? I know what you are thinking, he was not a legal American citizen so he could not have purchased a gun legally. You would assume that to be a fact, but you can purchase a handgun if you are a permanent resident in the United States and you have a permanent address. I'm scratching my head on this one. Can someone explain to me how you can be a permanent resident and never get American Citizenship? I think to abide by the laws of the United States you should have too be an American citizen. I always hear that the test to become a U.S. citizen is very hard, but guess what this guy was a senior at Virgina Tech. V-Tech is a very hard college to graduate from and he was in his senior year, I think he could have taken his test for U.S. citizenship. I don't think it is right for a non U.S. citizen to get accepted to a college before an American citizen does. America seems to reach out and help its foreign allies before providing for it's own citizens. Can somebody tell me why we even give the time of day to illegal aliens. It is kind of off subject but why do we even put these people in jail? If we find an illegal alien is living in the states, don't send them to jail, send them back to their legal country of residence. Now, let me clarify that Cho was not an illegal alien so I am not talking about him. I do want to talk a little more about how America failed and provided the weapons for his methodical act. Cho was recommended to get psychiatric help numerous times while he was at V-Tech. Even though they found Cho was having mental issues he was never committed. Why does this mean anything? Well in America you can be labeled legally mentally insane, but if you are never committed, guess what you can legally still purchase a gun. There is a twist in this though, the Justice that handled Cho's case wrote an order that was sufficient to get Cho placed on the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. Well if he would have been placed on that list he would have been banned from purchasing hand guns. This is one way in which all of this could have been avoided or at least made it harder for Cho to carry out his plan. Let's face it if he wanted guns hard enough he could have gotten them whether legally or illegally, but the fact is steps could have been made to at least make it harder on Cho to get his hands on these guns.
Why in America does it seem right for people to still put those around us down if they are not up to the norm that American society expects. There are numerous reports that Cho was not only made fun of in High School, but in College also. Idiots, he was from a foreign country, yes he would speak and read the English language a little different then those speaking it all of their life. You know how much courage it must take for someone to join another culture and throw their own behind. Cho learned the English language but since he did not speak it perfectly he was criticized and put down. People at V-Tech want to talk about how shy and withdrawn from everybody else Cho was. No wonder, it must have seemed like he got put down every time he opened his mouth. That is what happens when people put you down, you stop doing whatever people persecute you for. If you talk funny, you stop talking, if you cant play sports right, you stop playing, for me I cant play an instrument so guess what I don't even try. What happened to the American society that reached out to Cho's family when they came over to America? When did kids become perfect enough to point out and criticize the imperfections of others? I thought America would have learned with the tragedy in Columbine, but it seems to forget very fast. America is very arrogant and it has been for a while, I think that is why the attacks of Sept 11 happened. We need to start accepting each other without criticizing those imperfections one cannot control.
Ok here is something that will remain a mystery for years to come. Why did V-Tech officials not lock down the college until they found the killer or weapon responsible for the first 2 killings that happened a couple hours before the massacre? In every room they have fire alarms, how hard is it to put another alarm to lock down the rooms and the campus, and why did the officials not lock down the campus. If V-Tech would have locked down the campus, maybe while Cho went to the post office to mail off the package to NBC, the 30 other people could have gotten out of harms way and be on the lookout for a killer. Some people have said well they thought the first two killings were a suicide, well at least lock down the campus until the weapon is found! So many mistakes were made by so many different people but...
With all of that said do I think Cho is too blame. Yes, he did kill those 32 other people, but their were so many others that could have contributed to making the process harder. Here are a few of my thoughts that I think could prevent this from happening again.
1.) For an international student to attend an American school, they should have American citizenship. If a family is living as a permanent resident then they should become an American citizen. Be stricter on illegal aliens, not the people guarding the border preventing it.(We will talk about illegal aliens another time)
2. Stricter gun laws. Democrats are pushing for it and have been for a while. Yes I do think every American has the right to own a weapon if they have not done anything to compromise those rights. Like for instance if a person has committed of a felony, is on probation, or if they are going to a psychiatrist and have homicidal/suicidal thoughts. The last one about homicidal/suicidal thoughts is a close one to me because one of my friends killed himself and his wife after purchasing a handgun. My friend was going to a psychiatrist and did have those thoughts of hurting himself or others. Once a mental health professional gets this information they should enter the individuals information into a system so they cannot purchase a firearm.
3. Harsher punishment for those kids that bully and put down others. Children go to school to learn, not to be made aware of their differences or short-comings. This social norm that America has built up in our high schools makes it difficult for anyone not an athlete or beautiful to succeed without criticism. It makes me scared to wonder how things will be when my children get into High School.
These are just my thought and ideas; my prayers and thoughts go out to all the families affected by the events of Cho. Until next time "Have a Nice Day".
Who was responsible for selling 2 hand guns to Cho? I know what you are thinking, he was not a legal American citizen so he could not have purchased a gun legally. You would assume that to be a fact, but you can purchase a handgun if you are a permanent resident in the United States and you have a permanent address. I'm scratching my head on this one. Can someone explain to me how you can be a permanent resident and never get American Citizenship? I think to abide by the laws of the United States you should have too be an American citizen. I always hear that the test to become a U.S. citizen is very hard, but guess what this guy was a senior at Virgina Tech. V-Tech is a very hard college to graduate from and he was in his senior year, I think he could have taken his test for U.S. citizenship. I don't think it is right for a non U.S. citizen to get accepted to a college before an American citizen does. America seems to reach out and help its foreign allies before providing for it's own citizens. Can somebody tell me why we even give the time of day to illegal aliens. It is kind of off subject but why do we even put these people in jail? If we find an illegal alien is living in the states, don't send them to jail, send them back to their legal country of residence. Now, let me clarify that Cho was not an illegal alien so I am not talking about him. I do want to talk a little more about how America failed and provided the weapons for his methodical act. Cho was recommended to get psychiatric help numerous times while he was at V-Tech. Even though they found Cho was having mental issues he was never committed. Why does this mean anything? Well in America you can be labeled legally mentally insane, but if you are never committed, guess what you can legally still purchase a gun. There is a twist in this though, the Justice that handled Cho's case wrote an order that was sufficient to get Cho placed on the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. Well if he would have been placed on that list he would have been banned from purchasing hand guns. This is one way in which all of this could have been avoided or at least made it harder for Cho to carry out his plan. Let's face it if he wanted guns hard enough he could have gotten them whether legally or illegally, but the fact is steps could have been made to at least make it harder on Cho to get his hands on these guns.
Why in America does it seem right for people to still put those around us down if they are not up to the norm that American society expects. There are numerous reports that Cho was not only made fun of in High School, but in College also. Idiots, he was from a foreign country, yes he would speak and read the English language a little different then those speaking it all of their life. You know how much courage it must take for someone to join another culture and throw their own behind. Cho learned the English language but since he did not speak it perfectly he was criticized and put down. People at V-Tech want to talk about how shy and withdrawn from everybody else Cho was. No wonder, it must have seemed like he got put down every time he opened his mouth. That is what happens when people put you down, you stop doing whatever people persecute you for. If you talk funny, you stop talking, if you cant play sports right, you stop playing, for me I cant play an instrument so guess what I don't even try. What happened to the American society that reached out to Cho's family when they came over to America? When did kids become perfect enough to point out and criticize the imperfections of others? I thought America would have learned with the tragedy in Columbine, but it seems to forget very fast. America is very arrogant and it has been for a while, I think that is why the attacks of Sept 11 happened. We need to start accepting each other without criticizing those imperfections one cannot control.
Ok here is something that will remain a mystery for years to come. Why did V-Tech officials not lock down the college until they found the killer or weapon responsible for the first 2 killings that happened a couple hours before the massacre? In every room they have fire alarms, how hard is it to put another alarm to lock down the rooms and the campus, and why did the officials not lock down the campus. If V-Tech would have locked down the campus, maybe while Cho went to the post office to mail off the package to NBC, the 30 other people could have gotten out of harms way and be on the lookout for a killer. Some people have said well they thought the first two killings were a suicide, well at least lock down the campus until the weapon is found! So many mistakes were made by so many different people but...
With all of that said do I think Cho is too blame. Yes, he did kill those 32 other people, but their were so many others that could have contributed to making the process harder. Here are a few of my thoughts that I think could prevent this from happening again.
1.) For an international student to attend an American school, they should have American citizenship. If a family is living as a permanent resident then they should become an American citizen. Be stricter on illegal aliens, not the people guarding the border preventing it.(We will talk about illegal aliens another time)
2. Stricter gun laws. Democrats are pushing for it and have been for a while. Yes I do think every American has the right to own a weapon if they have not done anything to compromise those rights. Like for instance if a person has committed of a felony, is on probation, or if they are going to a psychiatrist and have homicidal/suicidal thoughts. The last one about homicidal/suicidal thoughts is a close one to me because one of my friends killed himself and his wife after purchasing a handgun. My friend was going to a psychiatrist and did have those thoughts of hurting himself or others. Once a mental health professional gets this information they should enter the individuals information into a system so they cannot purchase a firearm.
3. Harsher punishment for those kids that bully and put down others. Children go to school to learn, not to be made aware of their differences or short-comings. This social norm that America has built up in our high schools makes it difficult for anyone not an athlete or beautiful to succeed without criticism. It makes me scared to wonder how things will be when my children get into High School.
These are just my thought and ideas; my prayers and thoughts go out to all the families affected by the events of Cho. Until next time "Have a Nice Day".
Friday, April 13, 2007
DISCLAIMER: If you are quick to judge an opinion and accuse somebody as being racist for their thoughts on a society that thrives on conflict then you may want to click your browser and view a different webpage because this week has been very frustrating. If you keep up with current events a little bit then you know what I am about to talk about.
First off let me ask the question…. When did having nappy hair become a race thing? Some of my friends accuse me of having nappy hair when I grow it out and I am far from being African American. Notice I did not say black because I don’t think that color describes a person!!! HMM maybe BET should change the name of their company, oh I forgot it is ok in society for minorities to have industries built just to support one specific race. Yes I have completely been driven to bring out all the mysteries in society that I cannot figure out. Why is it ok for Al Sharpton to come to the aid of any African American person who feels they are discriminated against? When has he ever helped out a person of Italian, Irish, German, Asian, or any other nationality not associated with the African American race? Is that racist to seclude every race but your own? But back to the first question why is having nappy hair a racial thing? As far as I know there are Caucasian women on that basketball team, is it a possibility that they have very thick wavy hair? And why is nappy considered derogatory? I know many people that like nappy hair. Here is a definition of nappy with its resource….
nap·py3 –adjective, -pi·er, -pi·est.
1. covered with nap; downy.
2. (of hair) kinky. Unabridged (v 1.1)Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
I remember pictures of the original Woodstock, there were many different nationalities that attended and many had long dreaded nappy hair. Ok enough about what nappy really means because I think we all get the point by now.
The one thing I don’t agree with is calling the female players Ho’s. But once again why is it a racial thing? It is a female thing and their should be women’s rights activist protesting, not Al Sharpton. Can anybody tell me why he thinks only African American women can be called HO’S? Oh I forgot it is a word that rappers made up and use on the norm….just like another word that God forbid anybody use but the African American community. Everybody knows what word I am talking about so I won’t go there. In both cases the words are used in a ignorant matter. But we are talking about the word HO. This can be any women, it’s slang for whore. This is not a racial slur, it is a sexual slur. It slows down the progress that women have made over the years. Please for the love of GOD, somebody explain to me how this can be turned around to make it a racial slur?
Ok, we covered Ho’s and Nappy Hair, so what is left? Oh yeah lets talk about a Donkey’s ASS that is slowing down the process and hard work that Martin Luther king accomplished. Al Sharpton may be doing more to slow down the progress of African American people more then any body else. He is quick to make things into a racial war. I think Martin Luther king had a dream to look at African American, Caucasian American, Asian American, and other minorities as one. He did not want labels that secluded other nationalities. I don’t think his dream envisioned industries and associations like the NAACP and BET that only cater to the needs of African Americans. As much as I want to see equality and racism gone, it will never go away as long as African American leaders push to be recognized by their ethnicity and not their character. Whenever you see anything happen that spotlights an African American and a Caucasian conflict, Al Sharpton is there to referee. WHY? WHY? WHY? Can somebody tell me why?
I do know this. The next time a African American person refers to me as a “White Boy” I will be making a complaint. I think that is as derogatory as any thing a Caucasian can say to an African American. I don’t know who I have to make a complaint to, but I will do it. Oh I think I will contact the rainbow coalition and see if they will help me out. Would Al Sharpton help me out if I am called a “white boy”? I think we all know the answer to that, but I guess racism is only occurring when it is convenient for him. There are certain words which should not be used by anybody. Ignorance is ignorance! I have not located that special dictionary that puts an asterisk by a word and states it can only be used by an African American or a Caucasian. Has anybody scene that dictionary because I would love to see it. Well that is enough for today; I’m sure I will get the usual ignorant comments accusing me of being racist so I have to brace myself for it. Until next time “Have a Nice Day” and keep it Nappy (yes my hair is nappy in the morning when I wake up).
First off let me ask the question…. When did having nappy hair become a race thing? Some of my friends accuse me of having nappy hair when I grow it out and I am far from being African American. Notice I did not say black because I don’t think that color describes a person!!! HMM maybe BET should change the name of their company, oh I forgot it is ok in society for minorities to have industries built just to support one specific race. Yes I have completely been driven to bring out all the mysteries in society that I cannot figure out. Why is it ok for Al Sharpton to come to the aid of any African American person who feels they are discriminated against? When has he ever helped out a person of Italian, Irish, German, Asian, or any other nationality not associated with the African American race? Is that racist to seclude every race but your own? But back to the first question why is having nappy hair a racial thing? As far as I know there are Caucasian women on that basketball team, is it a possibility that they have very thick wavy hair? And why is nappy considered derogatory? I know many people that like nappy hair. Here is a definition of nappy with its resource….
nap·py3 –adjective, -pi·er, -pi·est.
1. covered with nap; downy.
2. (of hair) kinky. Unabridged (v 1.1)Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
I remember pictures of the original Woodstock, there were many different nationalities that attended and many had long dreaded nappy hair. Ok enough about what nappy really means because I think we all get the point by now.
The one thing I don’t agree with is calling the female players Ho’s. But once again why is it a racial thing? It is a female thing and their should be women’s rights activist protesting, not Al Sharpton. Can anybody tell me why he thinks only African American women can be called HO’S? Oh I forgot it is a word that rappers made up and use on the norm….just like another word that God forbid anybody use but the African American community. Everybody knows what word I am talking about so I won’t go there. In both cases the words are used in a ignorant matter. But we are talking about the word HO. This can be any women, it’s slang for whore. This is not a racial slur, it is a sexual slur. It slows down the progress that women have made over the years. Please for the love of GOD, somebody explain to me how this can be turned around to make it a racial slur?
Ok, we covered Ho’s and Nappy Hair, so what is left? Oh yeah lets talk about a Donkey’s ASS that is slowing down the process and hard work that Martin Luther king accomplished. Al Sharpton may be doing more to slow down the progress of African American people more then any body else. He is quick to make things into a racial war. I think Martin Luther king had a dream to look at African American, Caucasian American, Asian American, and other minorities as one. He did not want labels that secluded other nationalities. I don’t think his dream envisioned industries and associations like the NAACP and BET that only cater to the needs of African Americans. As much as I want to see equality and racism gone, it will never go away as long as African American leaders push to be recognized by their ethnicity and not their character. Whenever you see anything happen that spotlights an African American and a Caucasian conflict, Al Sharpton is there to referee. WHY? WHY? WHY? Can somebody tell me why?
I do know this. The next time a African American person refers to me as a “White Boy” I will be making a complaint. I think that is as derogatory as any thing a Caucasian can say to an African American. I don’t know who I have to make a complaint to, but I will do it. Oh I think I will contact the rainbow coalition and see if they will help me out. Would Al Sharpton help me out if I am called a “white boy”? I think we all know the answer to that, but I guess racism is only occurring when it is convenient for him. There are certain words which should not be used by anybody. Ignorance is ignorance! I have not located that special dictionary that puts an asterisk by a word and states it can only be used by an African American or a Caucasian. Has anybody scene that dictionary because I would love to see it. Well that is enough for today; I’m sure I will get the usual ignorant comments accusing me of being racist so I have to brace myself for it. Until next time “Have a Nice Day” and keep it Nappy (yes my hair is nappy in the morning when I wake up).
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Dead Beat Dad's
DISCLAIMER- Your perception of my blog does not makes me in any way A. Racist, B. Prejudice, or C. Chauvinistic. If you don’t agree with me then fine, we don’t agree. Don’t issue personal attacks because you don’t agree with the views or beliefs I have.
This week’s blog I want to take time out to thank those who provide more to our nation’s debt and poverty then anybody else I can think of. Before we get the war protesters all wound up and ready to marching on with there “BS”, let me say I am not talking about the spending our government does so we as a nation can live free. I am talking about the sorry excuse for a male that can use his body to produce a new life but cannot use his brain to function in a manner to accept responsibility. To shorten it up I want to talk about deadbeat dads. Ok I don’t even want to put the word dad into it. I don’t want to confuse these people with actual fathers. We will call them sperm donors. Nope we can’t call them that because some sperm donors are actually helping out others that cannot have children. What can we call these idiots? IDIOTS. There that works for now.
I never could understand the guy on Maury Povich with 8 kids all by different women. Are these people that mentally challenged that they cannot unroll a piece of rubber over themselves? Come on blondes have been doing it for years, it can’t be that hard! Yes that was a joke…. Not to be taken seriously! I mean most guys that have been through middle school go through sex education. For the most part they preach abstinence but they also teach about different contraceptives. I think it is a stupid excuse for guys to use the excuse it does not feel good to use one. I don’t think that there should be any excuse made when a newborn is conceived, they are a person so they should not be treated like a mistake. That infant growing inside its mother’s stomach is not a set of car keys that you lose, or an appt that you missed. It is a human not a freaking mistake. Treat it with the respect that you would a living person. Oh I forgot these people don’t respect anything but themselves. They have sex with a girl, leave her and then skip out on paying child support. I believe it was one judge in Kentucky offering vasectomies to those that would not pay child support. I know some states like Virginia make those failing to pay child support ride around in cars with different license plates. Do I think this works, no I don’t they don’t care what people think, if they did they would reconsider using protection or having responsible sex. These people need to be held accountable. I said before to provide the single mom with birth control, well for the guy if they have an illegitimate child and do not pay for them, give him a vasectomy. They don’t have a right to father anymore children if they cannot provide for the children they have helped bring into the world.
Me and my wife were not married when she got pregnant and I knew whether I stayed with her or not I had a responsibility. I would rather support a child then a person on welfare but that is beside the point. I just do not think a child can help the situation they are put in, and the father should be held accountable by any means necessary.
Ok before I harp all day long on the male figure doing this, he is not fully responsible. Many women hook up with guys they barely know and then magically there belly starts to sprout up. Women, come on learn a little bit about the man that wants to have a physical relationship without wearing a condom. There are so many diseases out there that yes pregnancy would be better then getting one of those. But honestly think about the situation you will be in and if you can even afford a child. Like I said before the man should be held responsible to provide for the child just like the mom should. Child support does not mean the mother can sit around and do nothing all day.
It saddens me to see males get a bad reputation because of the way some people handle there obligations in which they created. I have no respect for these people and they are as low as any rapist or child abuse offender, because their basically doing the same thing to this unborn child. They are raping them from having a father and neglecting them from the mental and physical needs a father should provide. That is all I have for now, I have to go and throw up after thinking about these useless pieces of crap. So until next time “Have a Nice Day”.
This week’s blog I want to take time out to thank those who provide more to our nation’s debt and poverty then anybody else I can think of. Before we get the war protesters all wound up and ready to marching on with there “BS”, let me say I am not talking about the spending our government does so we as a nation can live free. I am talking about the sorry excuse for a male that can use his body to produce a new life but cannot use his brain to function in a manner to accept responsibility. To shorten it up I want to talk about deadbeat dads. Ok I don’t even want to put the word dad into it. I don’t want to confuse these people with actual fathers. We will call them sperm donors. Nope we can’t call them that because some sperm donors are actually helping out others that cannot have children. What can we call these idiots? IDIOTS. There that works for now.
I never could understand the guy on Maury Povich with 8 kids all by different women. Are these people that mentally challenged that they cannot unroll a piece of rubber over themselves? Come on blondes have been doing it for years, it can’t be that hard! Yes that was a joke…. Not to be taken seriously! I mean most guys that have been through middle school go through sex education. For the most part they preach abstinence but they also teach about different contraceptives. I think it is a stupid excuse for guys to use the excuse it does not feel good to use one. I don’t think that there should be any excuse made when a newborn is conceived, they are a person so they should not be treated like a mistake. That infant growing inside its mother’s stomach is not a set of car keys that you lose, or an appt that you missed. It is a human not a freaking mistake. Treat it with the respect that you would a living person. Oh I forgot these people don’t respect anything but themselves. They have sex with a girl, leave her and then skip out on paying child support. I believe it was one judge in Kentucky offering vasectomies to those that would not pay child support. I know some states like Virginia make those failing to pay child support ride around in cars with different license plates. Do I think this works, no I don’t they don’t care what people think, if they did they would reconsider using protection or having responsible sex. These people need to be held accountable. I said before to provide the single mom with birth control, well for the guy if they have an illegitimate child and do not pay for them, give him a vasectomy. They don’t have a right to father anymore children if they cannot provide for the children they have helped bring into the world.
Me and my wife were not married when she got pregnant and I knew whether I stayed with her or not I had a responsibility. I would rather support a child then a person on welfare but that is beside the point. I just do not think a child can help the situation they are put in, and the father should be held accountable by any means necessary.
Ok before I harp all day long on the male figure doing this, he is not fully responsible. Many women hook up with guys they barely know and then magically there belly starts to sprout up. Women, come on learn a little bit about the man that wants to have a physical relationship without wearing a condom. There are so many diseases out there that yes pregnancy would be better then getting one of those. But honestly think about the situation you will be in and if you can even afford a child. Like I said before the man should be held responsible to provide for the child just like the mom should. Child support does not mean the mother can sit around and do nothing all day.
It saddens me to see males get a bad reputation because of the way some people handle there obligations in which they created. I have no respect for these people and they are as low as any rapist or child abuse offender, because their basically doing the same thing to this unborn child. They are raping them from having a father and neglecting them from the mental and physical needs a father should provide. That is all I have for now, I have to go and throw up after thinking about these useless pieces of crap. So until next time “Have a Nice Day”.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
One of my coworkers sent me an article today, and as I read it I got a little aggravated. Imagine that, me aggravated. Basically it was a letter sent in asking why a person getting welfare does not have to pass a urine test to get money from the government? For any of us with a job we have to do these things called "RANDOM URINE TESTING". So since our money from taxes goes out to programs like welfare it should only be fair for people receiving government funding to have to pass the same kinds of urine test.
It is really annoying for me to look at my pay check which I work hard for and see money getting pulled to support those that do not deserve it, or do anything to receive it. What is so special about these people that they can collect money for doing nothing but sitting on there butt all day long. And don't get me started on the single parent that does not understand the concept of birth control and has 4 kids and all of them have a different father. Did I mention that this person receives more money for each kid they have, and I am pretty sure most of the money does not go to provide clothes for the kids. I don't know how many people have seen the parent at Walmart with there kids in the middle of winter with no jacket to put on. There are many places that provide clothing and jackets for underprivileged families, I know I donate to them. Now before you start thinking well, the mother cant afford to buy her kid jackets or clothes, let me go over what I normally see. The mother usually has designer clothes on, there hair all nice and done up, new shoes too match there outfit, and a new cell phone they are talking on instead of paying attention to their children. So I do not feel sorry for them, I do feel sorry for the children being raised by a person who only takes free handouts and thinks for themselves. These kids are the ones that truly need the money but hardly ever get it, so I have a plan to help or prevent these situations from happening.
1. I think some things in life happen and a person can find themselves a parent without any preparation. I know from personal experience! So after a single mom has a child and they have no job, they get placed on birth control, this prevents them from getting pregnant again. If for some reason the mother does not have a job, gets free birth control and gets pregnant again. Well then after the child is born they go to a family that wants to adopt and can provide for the child. Maybe send a few to the child farm Angelia Jolie has built up. Basically the point I am making is the single parent should not be able to take guardianship of another kid if they cant support the one they already have.
2. I agree with the article start drug testing those that get government funding. If people are abusing the system and using the funds for drugs cut them off. First time offenders either get a job or they don't get any income. The government cuts them off and makes them ineligible to get government support again. Oh yeah if they have kids, then take their kids away from them also.
3. By now your wondering, what are we going to do with all of these kids being taken away from unfit parents. Well, I am glad you asked. With all the money we save from taking funds away from the undeserving that can get a job if they want we can establish orphanages and schools to house and educate these children. You put the children into a stable environment and teach them how to function in society. If you don't you keep on with the cycle of children becoming parents and living off the government. That is all they know because that is all they have seen.
I think it is time the government stop spending money on bums, illegal aliens, and other free loaders. We need to start spending more money on making quality schools and arming the next generation with a good education. We need to start relying on hard work and dedication and not others in this technologically advanced era. We need to produce a generation that can rely on there knowledge and intellect not just the power of weapons. If our children get smarter, our future gets brighter, till next time "Have a Nice Day".
It is really annoying for me to look at my pay check which I work hard for and see money getting pulled to support those that do not deserve it, or do anything to receive it. What is so special about these people that they can collect money for doing nothing but sitting on there butt all day long. And don't get me started on the single parent that does not understand the concept of birth control and has 4 kids and all of them have a different father. Did I mention that this person receives more money for each kid they have, and I am pretty sure most of the money does not go to provide clothes for the kids. I don't know how many people have seen the parent at Walmart with there kids in the middle of winter with no jacket to put on. There are many places that provide clothing and jackets for underprivileged families, I know I donate to them. Now before you start thinking well, the mother cant afford to buy her kid jackets or clothes, let me go over what I normally see. The mother usually has designer clothes on, there hair all nice and done up, new shoes too match there outfit, and a new cell phone they are talking on instead of paying attention to their children. So I do not feel sorry for them, I do feel sorry for the children being raised by a person who only takes free handouts and thinks for themselves. These kids are the ones that truly need the money but hardly ever get it, so I have a plan to help or prevent these situations from happening.
1. I think some things in life happen and a person can find themselves a parent without any preparation. I know from personal experience! So after a single mom has a child and they have no job, they get placed on birth control, this prevents them from getting pregnant again. If for some reason the mother does not have a job, gets free birth control and gets pregnant again. Well then after the child is born they go to a family that wants to adopt and can provide for the child. Maybe send a few to the child farm Angelia Jolie has built up. Basically the point I am making is the single parent should not be able to take guardianship of another kid if they cant support the one they already have.
2. I agree with the article start drug testing those that get government funding. If people are abusing the system and using the funds for drugs cut them off. First time offenders either get a job or they don't get any income. The government cuts them off and makes them ineligible to get government support again. Oh yeah if they have kids, then take their kids away from them also.
3. By now your wondering, what are we going to do with all of these kids being taken away from unfit parents. Well, I am glad you asked. With all the money we save from taking funds away from the undeserving that can get a job if they want we can establish orphanages and schools to house and educate these children. You put the children into a stable environment and teach them how to function in society. If you don't you keep on with the cycle of children becoming parents and living off the government. That is all they know because that is all they have seen.
I think it is time the government stop spending money on bums, illegal aliens, and other free loaders. We need to start spending more money on making quality schools and arming the next generation with a good education. We need to start relying on hard work and dedication and not others in this technologically advanced era. We need to produce a generation that can rely on there knowledge and intellect not just the power of weapons. If our children get smarter, our future gets brighter, till next time "Have a Nice Day".
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Last night was amazing. Last night I was honored to see one of the greatest song writers and musicians live, performing an acoustic setting. Aaron Lewis of the band Staind was performing in St. Louis and me and my friend Justin were lucky enough to have some sweet seats to listen, watch, and take in thise surreal performance. I know everybody has that one song out there that they feel speaks directly to them, well imagine sitting down for 2 hours and feeling like a book of your soul was opened and read in music. I remember 5 years ago, how me, Justin, and Martin would sit around the house playing and singing songs written by Aaron Lewis. Back then we were a bunch of wild single party guys and even though we could relate with the music, it really did not have the meaning it has to me now. 5 years later I am married and have two kids, nobody would have imagined that. There were a couple songs last night were Lewis sang about his daughter and the words just seemed to express exactly how I feel about my daughter. By the way I wanted to name my daughter Zoe Jane but my wife put an end to that idea very rapidly. Musicians stay on the road a lot, and being in the military I can relate to that. I think to fully understand the bond a family shares you have to be seperated from them for a little bit. There are so many emotions you experience when you cannot see a loved for long periods of time, it is even harder when you have a little kid and they dont understand why you are not there with them. It was just so magical how Lewis portrayed that through his music, he not only shows his soul through his music, but he makes you look into our own.
Yes, this was a little bit of a different type of blog then I am used to writing, but some days you just have to think about those things which we are fortunate for. Yes I am fortunate and very thankful for the chance to see Aaron Lewis perform live, but I am more fortunate for my family which gives me the meaning and emotions I feel when I am mesmorized by his music. Until next time "HAVE A NICE DAY"
Yes, this was a little bit of a different type of blog then I am used to writing, but some days you just have to think about those things which we are fortunate for. Yes I am fortunate and very thankful for the chance to see Aaron Lewis perform live, but I am more fortunate for my family which gives me the meaning and emotions I feel when I am mesmorized by his music. Until next time "HAVE A NICE DAY"
Monday, March 5, 2007
The Co-Worker Vol 1
We all work with people we don’t like or we work with people that have little habits’ that we hate. With that being said, I know I am not perfect so there are things my co-workers could say they dislike about me. This will be the first volume of this particular pet peeve so look for more office related topics in the future.
The loud cougher who denies the fact that she has some kind of horrible disease she is infecting us with. She sits on the other side of the cubicle directly in front of me. Today she has this horrible cough which has to be some kind of upper respiratory infection. When she first got in she made it clear to everybody her sinus problems were acting up. 1. Being medical and 2. Having sinus problems I almost laughed when she said that. First off; I cough loud when I cough but nothing compares to this horrid sound that comes from the depths of this women’s belly when she coughs. I mean imagine a lion throwing up, a sasquatch coughing, and an alien screaming. Now combine all of those components and it still does not compare to this women’s cough. I mean my cubicle shakes and rattles it acts as the only line of defense to whatever disease this women is carrying. Others around her comment “are you ok”, “do you need something”, “maybe you should go home” and my favorite “should we call for an ambulance”. Nothing gets through to this person, what does it take for her to get a clue that she should go home! I mean after the first couple hours of uncontrollable coughing and sniffling; tell your boss that work is getting affected and you need to leave. If her work is not getting affected then it’s amazing because I know everybody around her is being distracted.
While I am talking about this person I think I will talk about another one of my pet peeves I can’t stand. The MAD LAUGHER. Sometimes I think the freaking Joker from Batman has morphed into this women’s body. Ok I am being too generous the laugh of the Joker would be music to my ears compared to this bellowing laugh protruding from this women’s mouth. Nothing is that funny to make you sound like your producing sound effects for National Geographic! Well maybe “Super Troopers” or “Borat”, but I am pretty sure those movies are banned from government computers. Wow with this person coughing and laughing all day where does she find the time to do her work? I figured it out, EVERYBODY are you ready for my thesis in nursing? “THESIS: I will prove how excessively loud laughing destroys your lungs, so you cough like a dying sasquatch.”
That is enough for this week’s blog because…well because I can’t think of anything else, every time I get a quite moment this women coughs up another lung! Until next time stay healthy and “Have a Nice Day”!
The loud cougher who denies the fact that she has some kind of horrible disease she is infecting us with. She sits on the other side of the cubicle directly in front of me. Today she has this horrible cough which has to be some kind of upper respiratory infection. When she first got in she made it clear to everybody her sinus problems were acting up. 1. Being medical and 2. Having sinus problems I almost laughed when she said that. First off; I cough loud when I cough but nothing compares to this horrid sound that comes from the depths of this women’s belly when she coughs. I mean imagine a lion throwing up, a sasquatch coughing, and an alien screaming. Now combine all of those components and it still does not compare to this women’s cough. I mean my cubicle shakes and rattles it acts as the only line of defense to whatever disease this women is carrying. Others around her comment “are you ok”, “do you need something”, “maybe you should go home” and my favorite “should we call for an ambulance”. Nothing gets through to this person, what does it take for her to get a clue that she should go home! I mean after the first couple hours of uncontrollable coughing and sniffling; tell your boss that work is getting affected and you need to leave. If her work is not getting affected then it’s amazing because I know everybody around her is being distracted.
While I am talking about this person I think I will talk about another one of my pet peeves I can’t stand. The MAD LAUGHER. Sometimes I think the freaking Joker from Batman has morphed into this women’s body. Ok I am being too generous the laugh of the Joker would be music to my ears compared to this bellowing laugh protruding from this women’s mouth. Nothing is that funny to make you sound like your producing sound effects for National Geographic! Well maybe “Super Troopers” or “Borat”, but I am pretty sure those movies are banned from government computers. Wow with this person coughing and laughing all day where does she find the time to do her work? I figured it out, EVERYBODY are you ready for my thesis in nursing? “THESIS: I will prove how excessively loud laughing destroys your lungs, so you cough like a dying sasquatch.”
That is enough for this week’s blog because…well because I can’t think of anything else, every time I get a quite moment this women coughs up another lung! Until next time stay healthy and “Have a Nice Day”!
Thursday, March 1, 2007
The "R" Word
RACISM. Yes the nasty little idea that still keeps different cultures from accepting one another. Now before I really get into why it is aggravating I will tell you why I wanted to write about this topic this week. The NBA just had its all star game in Las Vegas. A lot of bad things happened that weekend that tarnished the image of the NBA. Today I saw an article online at this link…
After reading the comments from the reporter I just sat back and asked myself why. Why every time that something goes wrong and the finger is pointed at a culture does the word racism come up? I mean if you are in a culture or appear to be in a culture where people perceive you as a criminal then yes the finger is going to be pointed at you whether you are black, white, Asian, or Hispanic. I mean you don’t see the Mexican government denying the fact that the finger is pointed at them for illegal aliens jumping the border from Mexico. So why should minority reporters say that society is racist for labeling these NBA players hip-hop thugs when they get into fights, commit crimes, and are regularly suspended for drug use? A normal person would go to jail for most of these things but they walk away free just like KOBE “Your calling me a rapist because your racist” Bryant or Jason “Yes I had a gun in my hand when my limo driver was shot” Williams. It is nonsense for any reporter to say that holding a NBA player accountable for there actions is racist.
Enough about that one situation. Let me get into the fact that after all of these years of preaching racial discrimination and preaching equal rights that All Sharpton may actually be a descendant of a slave owner. Now that would be interesting for a guy that has accepted the idea of reparations for slavery to actually be in a blood line that owned slaves.
I think that we have come along way since the days of segregation. I sit at work and realize that America is the melting pot for different societies and I have many co-workers that come from different ethnic backgrounds and know that when I look at somebody I work with they see my character and not my skin color. So I do think we have made huge steps breaking the walls of racism down. It seems like the media builds racism up and makes it a big deal. If a white cop shoots a black suspect it is not because he was black it is because the guy was doing something wrong, I’m sure if a white criminal points his gun at a cop he will get shot just the same. When you have a car chase, much like the one in St. Louis a year ago, and the cops get physical with the criminal it was made a race thing. The media and NAACP say the cops did it because the guy was black. Give me a break, the cops got physical with the guy because he endangered the lives of the cops and children that were in the suspects path.
Ok on another side note, let’s look at the ways that reverse racism has taken over America. BET “Black Entertainment Television”, the name alone is racist. The NAACP is another one, I mean they are supposed to stand for equal rights, but only support the black community. To me the NAACP is a professional/legal way for society to accept the Black Panthers.
There comes a time when you have to say enough is enough. America has become a melting pot for society and I am sure that the majority of families in America have some kind of mix in the there gentic make-up. There is no black or white, anymore and as soon as people realize that, they will realize racism in a way has died. You can’t generalize America into being racist just because groups like the KKK exist, if you did then you would have to say that all Muslim’s are terrorist and we know that is not the case. I guess there comes a time when a person has to start taking responsibility for there actions and not blaming it on their skin tone. Until next time “Have a Nice Day”
After reading the comments from the reporter I just sat back and asked myself why. Why every time that something goes wrong and the finger is pointed at a culture does the word racism come up? I mean if you are in a culture or appear to be in a culture where people perceive you as a criminal then yes the finger is going to be pointed at you whether you are black, white, Asian, or Hispanic. I mean you don’t see the Mexican government denying the fact that the finger is pointed at them for illegal aliens jumping the border from Mexico. So why should minority reporters say that society is racist for labeling these NBA players hip-hop thugs when they get into fights, commit crimes, and are regularly suspended for drug use? A normal person would go to jail for most of these things but they walk away free just like KOBE “Your calling me a rapist because your racist” Bryant or Jason “Yes I had a gun in my hand when my limo driver was shot” Williams. It is nonsense for any reporter to say that holding a NBA player accountable for there actions is racist.
Enough about that one situation. Let me get into the fact that after all of these years of preaching racial discrimination and preaching equal rights that All Sharpton may actually be a descendant of a slave owner. Now that would be interesting for a guy that has accepted the idea of reparations for slavery to actually be in a blood line that owned slaves.
I think that we have come along way since the days of segregation. I sit at work and realize that America is the melting pot for different societies and I have many co-workers that come from different ethnic backgrounds and know that when I look at somebody I work with they see my character and not my skin color. So I do think we have made huge steps breaking the walls of racism down. It seems like the media builds racism up and makes it a big deal. If a white cop shoots a black suspect it is not because he was black it is because the guy was doing something wrong, I’m sure if a white criminal points his gun at a cop he will get shot just the same. When you have a car chase, much like the one in St. Louis a year ago, and the cops get physical with the criminal it was made a race thing. The media and NAACP say the cops did it because the guy was black. Give me a break, the cops got physical with the guy because he endangered the lives of the cops and children that were in the suspects path.
Ok on another side note, let’s look at the ways that reverse racism has taken over America. BET “Black Entertainment Television”, the name alone is racist. The NAACP is another one, I mean they are supposed to stand for equal rights, but only support the black community. To me the NAACP is a professional/legal way for society to accept the Black Panthers.
There comes a time when you have to say enough is enough. America has become a melting pot for society and I am sure that the majority of families in America have some kind of mix in the there gentic make-up. There is no black or white, anymore and as soon as people realize that, they will realize racism in a way has died. You can’t generalize America into being racist just because groups like the KKK exist, if you did then you would have to say that all Muslim’s are terrorist and we know that is not the case. I guess there comes a time when a person has to start taking responsibility for there actions and not blaming it on their skin tone. Until next time “Have a Nice Day”
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
With my part time job as a bouncer I have numerous opportunities to see various fashion styles. One other opportunity I have is my son loves to people watch at the mall or at Target. One thing that really frustrates me and really annoys me is the fact that people today do not know how to wear clothes.
Let’s first start off with pants. What is the deal with buying a pair of pants three times too big for you? I can understand if you are a weight lifter or track runner and have huge thighs so you need some extra room, but for Christ sake most of the time it is some 120 pound kid with a 30 inch waste wearing a size 36 pair of jeans. Now add the second part of the equation, what happened to the belt to hold there pants up? Everybody has seen that person wearing there pants off there ass trying to display there boxers. This is annoying to see but not the most annoying, we will get to that one later.
Now there was a time when t-shirts were made to cover up the upper torso and those that came down to the knees were nightgowns worn by females to sleep in. Not anymore, when I go into an athletics store to buy black t-shirts to wear with my uniform, what do I see? Extra long t-shirts that come down to your knees. OK, OK I get it I really do, these shirts must be for people with large stomachs…NO… these shirts are actually marketed for those skinny little people carrying their traveling tent around there waste. So in reality when this person has their extra large and long shirt on and their baggy pants, they kind of remind me of a larger version of my 3 year old son trying to put on daddy's clothes.
OK, this next and last fashion flaw really really bugs me to the point I have trouble controlling my frustration. Yes I know I have anger problems, but we all have our flaws. What ever happened to wearing your hat straight on your head? Whether it is worn to the front or to the back it should be worn straight. I cannot stand to see somebody wearing their hat cocked to the side and slanted. This has to be the most ridiculous thing I have seen. I dare say I would rather look at somebody's pants half of their ass then the hat cocked to the side, at least with the pants hanging off there ass they may trip over them and hit their head on the ground knocking some sense into them. I almost forgot the little dew rag that most of the people wearing their hat cocked have lying underneath. What is the point? The good thing is I can have people adjust their hat and take there dew rag’s off before coming into the club, a small victory in a battle that will never be won.
So, you have heard my pet peeve for the week, and for most of us that have kids, we can control these to some point. For most of us that are grown up we realize, that first impressions are a lasting one, and it will be hard for someone to get a good job or respect looking like a street thug, or renegade skate boarder. So that is my rant for the week, like always “Have a Nice Day”.
Let’s first start off with pants. What is the deal with buying a pair of pants three times too big for you? I can understand if you are a weight lifter or track runner and have huge thighs so you need some extra room, but for Christ sake most of the time it is some 120 pound kid with a 30 inch waste wearing a size 36 pair of jeans. Now add the second part of the equation, what happened to the belt to hold there pants up? Everybody has seen that person wearing there pants off there ass trying to display there boxers. This is annoying to see but not the most annoying, we will get to that one later.
Now there was a time when t-shirts were made to cover up the upper torso and those that came down to the knees were nightgowns worn by females to sleep in. Not anymore, when I go into an athletics store to buy black t-shirts to wear with my uniform, what do I see? Extra long t-shirts that come down to your knees. OK, OK I get it I really do, these shirts must be for people with large stomachs…NO… these shirts are actually marketed for those skinny little people carrying their traveling tent around there waste. So in reality when this person has their extra large and long shirt on and their baggy pants, they kind of remind me of a larger version of my 3 year old son trying to put on daddy's clothes.
OK, this next and last fashion flaw really really bugs me to the point I have trouble controlling my frustration. Yes I know I have anger problems, but we all have our flaws. What ever happened to wearing your hat straight on your head? Whether it is worn to the front or to the back it should be worn straight. I cannot stand to see somebody wearing their hat cocked to the side and slanted. This has to be the most ridiculous thing I have seen. I dare say I would rather look at somebody's pants half of their ass then the hat cocked to the side, at least with the pants hanging off there ass they may trip over them and hit their head on the ground knocking some sense into them. I almost forgot the little dew rag that most of the people wearing their hat cocked have lying underneath. What is the point? The good thing is I can have people adjust their hat and take there dew rag’s off before coming into the club, a small victory in a battle that will never be won.
So, you have heard my pet peeve for the week, and for most of us that have kids, we can control these to some point. For most of us that are grown up we realize, that first impressions are a lasting one, and it will be hard for someone to get a good job or respect looking like a street thug, or renegade skate boarder. So that is my rant for the week, like always “Have a Nice Day”.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Where is the SNOW
You know what is really bothering me today. The fact that it is so cold outside but there is very little snow. When I was a kid growing up in New Jersey we always knew that when Thanksgiving came around we would have at least a foot of snow on the ground and our winter break would soon begin. When you have the snow to go along with the frigid temperatures it makes the winter fun. When it is below 10 degrees and there is a half of inch of snow on the ground it is just aggravating. It kind of makes me set there and think “why the hell is it so cold and no snow”. There is nothing fun about the cold temperatures without snow. You dont really want to go outside and play in the cold, you pay an outrageous amount of money to the electric company to keep your house warm. The closest thing we have had to a true snow storm is the ice storm that made everybody’s life miserable and even then you couldn’t really play in it, I mean everything was frozen to the ground and try hitting somebody with an ice ball, the outcome is not going to be very good. I remember the only time I would put on two pairs of socks and a couple layers of close was when I would go out for hours and play in the snow, today I have to do that just to go to work. So now you know what is really bugging me right now, all I want is some snow to go along with the frigid temps outside. It is kind of a big tease (you know the kind you have when your starving and get a child portion at a expensive restaurant) I walk outside bundled up and look at the micro-accumulation of snow on the ground and think GOD please let us get some good snow so I can play in it. Until next time “Have A Nice Day” and if you have a snow making machine leave a comment.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Child Sex Offenders
There is one thing in this world that absolutely makes me sick to my stomach whenever I hear about it. No I'm not talking about the Blues win/loss record. I'm talking about child sex offenders. First off let me state I don't believe there is a mental problem that makes grown adults molest, torture, abuse, or in any other way harm a child. In most cases it seems like the offender is already a sex offender and for some reason our judicial system wants to protect them and let them mold back into society. Then to no surprise this offender strikes again, in most cases causing more harm then the first offense. I guess my problem is why are we letting these criminals back into society. Yes America is the land of the free, we take in illegal immigrants and give them rights, we take murders and rapist and give them probation, we take child sex offenders and let them stay out of jail because they are mentally unstable. It seems like most of us that pay taxes and actually contribute to society have less rights then the criminals roaming the streets unsupervised. I have two suggestions, 1. Either lock the child sex offenders up so they can never ruin another kids life, or 2. Put a GPS chip inside of them that tracks there every move. This chip would go off whenever they come near a school, playground, or any other establishment that caters to children. It would also go off if an amber alert was issued, so they could make sure the rehabilitated former sex offender had nothing to do with it. Now before anybody says "that is unethical" I just want to say unethical is taking away a young child's life before it ever begins. Even if that child is not killed they will be haunted by the memory forever. So while this child suffers for the rest of there life or if there life was taken, none of the rights I defend as a soldier should be given to these sick individuals. I feel sorry for the parents that feel so helpless and I cant imagine what they will go through. As a parent of two young children it is hard to say what my actions would be if my children were abused. All I know is "Child Sex Offenders" are a big pet peeve of mine and I wish I could share a few moments with each and every one of them to express how much they really do disgust me, and we all know sometimes our non-verbal communication gets though a lot better then are verbal. That is all for this week, let me know what you guys think on the subject. In the words of the great Mick Foley "Have a Nice Day".
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Pet Peeves
I am just entering into the spring semester at SWIC and one of the classes I am taking is English 101. One of the first assignments we have is to make a blog and post on it. I have blogged before, and I know I will sound like a nerd but, I post on Wrestling Blogs all of the time. The topic of my blog as you can see is Pet Peeves. I will make a post at a minimum weekly and let everybody know some of the things that have really annoyed me, whether it is the person driving in front of me that should have there licensed destroyed, the fashion victim that where's there hat cocked to the side (I really HATE that one!), or the co-worker that thinks they know it all, but knows nothing at all. All of these topics I am sure will come up in the next few weeks. By the way I would like to start off by saying a couple things about myself. I am very sarcastic, yes there is a little chip that sits on my shoulder, and yes quite a few people do like to refer to me as a word that can stand for an animal or slang for a body part. I look forward to providing my readers with some humor and insight into my mind. Comments are always welcome and yes I will more then likely respond.
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