DISCLAIMER: If you are quick to judge an opinion and accuse somebody as being racist for their thoughts on a society that thrives on conflict then you may want to click your browser and view a different webpage because this week has been very frustrating. If you keep up with current events a little bit then you know what I am about to talk about.
First off let me ask the question…. When did having nappy hair become a race thing? Some of my friends accuse me of having nappy hair when I grow it out and I am far from being African American. Notice I did not say black because I don’t think that color describes a person!!! HMM maybe BET should change the name of their company, oh I forgot it is ok in society for minorities to have industries built just to support one specific race. Yes I have completely been driven to bring out all the mysteries in society that I cannot figure out. Why is it ok for Al Sharpton to come to the aid of any African American person who feels they are discriminated against? When has he ever helped out a person of Italian, Irish, German, Asian, or any other nationality not associated with the African American race? Is that racist to seclude every race but your own? But back to the first question why is having nappy hair a racial thing? As far as I know there are Caucasian women on that basketball team, is it a possibility that they have very thick wavy hair? And why is nappy considered derogatory? I know many people that like nappy hair. Here is a definition of nappy with its resource….
nap·py3 –adjective, -pi·er, -pi·est.
1. covered with nap; downy.
2. (of hair) kinky.
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
I remember pictures of the original Woodstock, there were many different nationalities that attended and many had long dreaded nappy hair. Ok enough about what nappy really means because I think we all get the point by now.
The one thing I don’t agree with is calling the female players Ho’s. But once again why is it a racial thing? It is a female thing and their should be women’s rights activist protesting, not Al Sharpton. Can anybody tell me why he thinks only African American women can be called HO’S? Oh I forgot it is a word that rappers made up and use on the norm….just like another word that God forbid anybody use but the African American community. Everybody knows what word I am talking about so I won’t go there. In both cases the words are used in a ignorant matter. But we are talking about the word HO. This can be any women, it’s slang for whore. This is not a racial slur, it is a sexual slur. It slows down the progress that women have made over the years. Please for the love of GOD, somebody explain to me how this can be turned around to make it a racial slur?
Ok, we covered Ho’s and Nappy Hair, so what is left? Oh yeah lets talk about a Donkey’s ASS that is slowing down the process and hard work that Martin Luther king accomplished. Al Sharpton may be doing more to slow down the progress of African American people more then any body else. He is quick to make things into a racial war. I think Martin Luther king had a dream to look at African American, Caucasian American, Asian American, and other minorities as one. He did not want labels that secluded other nationalities. I don’t think his dream envisioned industries and associations like the NAACP and BET that only cater to the needs of African Americans. As much as I want to see equality and racism gone, it will never go away as long as African American leaders push to be recognized by their ethnicity and not their character. Whenever you see anything happen that spotlights an African American and a Caucasian conflict, Al Sharpton is there to referee. WHY? WHY? WHY? Can somebody tell me why?
I do know this. The next time a African American person refers to me as a “White Boy” I will be making a complaint. I think that is as derogatory as any thing a Caucasian can say to an African American. I don’t know who I have to make a complaint to, but I will do it. Oh I think I will contact the rainbow coalition and see if they will help me out. Would Al Sharpton help me out if I am called a “white boy”? I think we all know the answer to that, but I guess racism is only occurring when it is convenient for him. There are certain words which should not be used by anybody. Ignorance is ignorance! I have not located that special dictionary that puts an asterisk by a word and states it can only be used by an African American or a Caucasian. Has anybody scene that dictionary because I would love to see it. Well that is enough for today; I’m sure I will get the usual ignorant comments accusing me of being racist so I have to brace myself for it. Until next time “Have a Nice Day” and keep it Nappy (yes my hair is nappy in the morning when I wake up).

Me and My Boy
Friday, April 13, 2007
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