One of my coworkers sent me an article today, and as I read it I got a little aggravated. Imagine that, me aggravated. Basically it was a letter sent in asking why a person getting welfare does not have to pass a urine test to get money from the government? For any of us with a job we have to do these things called "RANDOM URINE TESTING". So since our money from taxes goes out to programs like welfare it should only be fair for people receiving government funding to have to pass the same kinds of urine test.
It is really annoying for me to look at my pay check which I work hard for and see money getting pulled to support those that do not deserve it, or do anything to receive it. What is so special about these people that they can collect money for doing nothing but sitting on there butt all day long. And don't get me started on the single parent that does not understand the concept of birth control and has 4 kids and all of them have a different father. Did I mention that this person receives more money for each kid they have, and I am pretty sure most of the money does not go to provide clothes for the kids. I don't know how many people have seen the parent at Walmart with there kids in the middle of winter with no jacket to put on. There are many places that provide clothing and jackets for underprivileged families, I know I donate to them. Now before you start thinking well, the mother cant afford to buy her kid jackets or clothes, let me go over what I normally see. The mother usually has designer clothes on, there hair all nice and done up, new shoes too match there outfit, and a new cell phone they are talking on instead of paying attention to their children. So I do not feel sorry for them, I do feel sorry for the children being raised by a person who only takes free handouts and thinks for themselves. These kids are the ones that truly need the money but hardly ever get it, so I have a plan to help or prevent these situations from happening.
1. I think some things in life happen and a person can find themselves a parent without any preparation. I know from personal experience! So after a single mom has a child and they have no job, they get placed on birth control, this prevents them from getting pregnant again. If for some reason the mother does not have a job, gets free birth control and gets pregnant again. Well then after the child is born they go to a family that wants to adopt and can provide for the child. Maybe send a few to the child farm Angelia Jolie has built up. Basically the point I am making is the single parent should not be able to take guardianship of another kid if they cant support the one they already have.
2. I agree with the article start drug testing those that get government funding. If people are abusing the system and using the funds for drugs cut them off. First time offenders either get a job or they don't get any income. The government cuts them off and makes them ineligible to get government support again. Oh yeah if they have kids, then take their kids away from them also.
3. By now your wondering, what are we going to do with all of these kids being taken away from unfit parents. Well, I am glad you asked. With all the money we save from taking funds away from the undeserving that can get a job if they want we can establish orphanages and schools to house and educate these children. You put the children into a stable environment and teach them how to function in society. If you don't you keep on with the cycle of children becoming parents and living off the government. That is all they know because that is all they have seen.
I think it is time the government stop spending money on bums, illegal aliens, and other free loaders. We need to start spending more money on making quality schools and arming the next generation with a good education. We need to start relying on hard work and dedication and not others in this technologically advanced era. We need to produce a generation that can rely on there knowledge and intellect not just the power of weapons. If our children get smarter, our future gets brighter, till next time "Have a Nice Day".

Me and My Boy
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
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