DISCLAIMER- Your perception of my blog does not makes me in any way A. Racist, B. Prejudice, or C. Chauvinistic. If you don’t agree with me then fine, we don’t agree. Don’t issue personal attacks because you don’t agree with the views or beliefs I have.
This week’s blog I want to take time out to thank those who provide more to our nation’s debt and poverty then anybody else I can think of. Before we get the war protesters all wound up and ready to marching on with there “BS”, let me say I am not talking about the spending our government does so we as a nation can live free. I am talking about the sorry excuse for a male that can use his body to produce a new life but cannot use his brain to function in a manner to accept responsibility. To shorten it up I want to talk about deadbeat dads. Ok I don’t even want to put the word dad into it. I don’t want to confuse these people with actual fathers. We will call them sperm donors. Nope we can’t call them that because some sperm donors are actually helping out others that cannot have children. What can we call these idiots? IDIOTS. There that works for now.
I never could understand the guy on Maury Povich with 8 kids all by different women. Are these people that mentally challenged that they cannot unroll a piece of rubber over themselves? Come on blondes have been doing it for years, it can’t be that hard! Yes that was a joke…. Not to be taken seriously! I mean most guys that have been through middle school go through sex education. For the most part they preach abstinence but they also teach about different contraceptives. I think it is a stupid excuse for guys to use the excuse it does not feel good to use one. I don’t think that there should be any excuse made when a newborn is conceived, they are a person so they should not be treated like a mistake. That infant growing inside its mother’s stomach is not a set of car keys that you lose, or an appt that you missed. It is a human not a freaking mistake. Treat it with the respect that you would a living person. Oh I forgot these people don’t respect anything but themselves. They have sex with a girl, leave her and then skip out on paying child support. I believe it was one judge in Kentucky offering vasectomies to those that would not pay child support. I know some states like Virginia make those failing to pay child support ride around in cars with different license plates. Do I think this works, no I don’t they don’t care what people think, if they did they would reconsider using protection or having responsible sex. These people need to be held accountable. I said before to provide the single mom with birth control, well for the guy if they have an illegitimate child and do not pay for them, give him a vasectomy. They don’t have a right to father anymore children if they cannot provide for the children they have helped bring into the world.
Me and my wife were not married when she got pregnant and I knew whether I stayed with her or not I had a responsibility. I would rather support a child then a person on welfare but that is beside the point. I just do not think a child can help the situation they are put in, and the father should be held accountable by any means necessary.
Ok before I harp all day long on the male figure doing this, he is not fully responsible. Many women hook up with guys they barely know and then magically there belly starts to sprout up. Women, come on learn a little bit about the man that wants to have a physical relationship without wearing a condom. There are so many diseases out there that yes pregnancy would be better then getting one of those. But honestly think about the situation you will be in and if you can even afford a child. Like I said before the man should be held responsible to provide for the child just like the mom should. Child support does not mean the mother can sit around and do nothing all day.
It saddens me to see males get a bad reputation because of the way some people handle there obligations in which they created. I have no respect for these people and they are as low as any rapist or child abuse offender, because their basically doing the same thing to this unborn child. They are raping them from having a father and neglecting them from the mental and physical needs a father should provide. That is all I have for now, I have to go and throw up after thinking about these useless pieces of crap. So until next time “Have a Nice Day”.

Me and My Boy
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Totally agree! Women and men alike need to own up to their responsibilities and if they can't handle what might happen they probably need to keep their pants on!
wow, can alwayscome here for a good read...and passsionate discussion. I will have to send my brother this way...he is so much like you it is frightening.
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