RACISM. Yes the nasty little idea that still keeps different cultures from accepting one another. Now before I really get into why it is aggravating I will tell you why I wanted to write about this topic this week. The NBA just had its all star game in Las Vegas. A lot of bad things happened that weekend that tarnished the image of the NBA. Today I saw an article online at this link… http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=jackson/070228&lpos=spotlight&lid=tab4pos1
After reading the comments from the reporter I just sat back and asked myself why. Why every time that something goes wrong and the finger is pointed at a culture does the word racism come up? I mean if you are in a culture or appear to be in a culture where people perceive you as a criminal then yes the finger is going to be pointed at you whether you are black, white, Asian, or Hispanic. I mean you don’t see the Mexican government denying the fact that the finger is pointed at them for illegal aliens jumping the border from Mexico. So why should minority reporters say that society is racist for labeling these NBA players hip-hop thugs when they get into fights, commit crimes, and are regularly suspended for drug use? A normal person would go to jail for most of these things but they walk away free just like KOBE “Your calling me a rapist because your racist” Bryant or Jason “Yes I had a gun in my hand when my limo driver was shot” Williams. It is nonsense for any reporter to say that holding a NBA player accountable for there actions is racist.
Enough about that one situation. Let me get into the fact that after all of these years of preaching racial discrimination and preaching equal rights that All Sharpton may actually be a descendant of a slave owner. Now that would be interesting for a guy that has accepted the idea of reparations for slavery to actually be in a blood line that owned slaves.
I think that we have come along way since the days of segregation. I sit at work and realize that America is the melting pot for different societies and I have many co-workers that come from different ethnic backgrounds and know that when I look at somebody I work with they see my character and not my skin color. So I do think we have made huge steps breaking the walls of racism down. It seems like the media builds racism up and makes it a big deal. If a white cop shoots a black suspect it is not because he was black it is because the guy was doing something wrong, I’m sure if a white criminal points his gun at a cop he will get shot just the same. When you have a car chase, much like the one in St. Louis a year ago, and the cops get physical with the criminal it was made a race thing. The media and NAACP say the cops did it because the guy was black. Give me a break, the cops got physical with the guy because he endangered the lives of the cops and children that were in the suspects path.
Ok on another side note, let’s look at the ways that reverse racism has taken over America. BET “Black Entertainment Television”, the name alone is racist. The NAACP is another one, I mean they are supposed to stand for equal rights, but only support the black community. To me the NAACP is a professional/legal way for society to accept the Black Panthers.
There comes a time when you have to say enough is enough. America has become a melting pot for society and I am sure that the majority of families in America have some kind of mix in the there gentic make-up. There is no black or white, anymore and as soon as people realize that, they will realize racism in a way has died. You can’t generalize America into being racist just because groups like the KKK exist, if you did then you would have to say that all Muslim’s are terrorist and we know that is not the case. I guess there comes a time when a person has to start taking responsibility for there actions and not blaming it on their skin tone. Until next time “Have a Nice Day”

Me and My Boy
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You are a white male, it is difficult for you to see the racism that still exists in this country and that's why you are expressing racism unconsciously in your post. As a white person whether you are racist or not you benefit from living in a country that mostly run by whites. White privilege exists and it prevents you from understanding racial issues. I am not saying that you should feel guilty for being white. it is something you have no control over. But as a citizien of this society you should feel some empathy towards the black race and understand the difficulties faced by black folks. We should work towards a more just and humane society for all. Comments like yours only add fuel to a widening racial divide and polarization.
Having a Black Entairtainment Television is not racism. Racism means that one race is more superior than the other. Having a channel devoted to certain race or culture doesn't indicate racism. How about Home Decorating Channels, are they sexist since they only cater to women? Black race is minority and it is important that they have a voice through BET. BET caters to black community and fills a niche that has been previously ignored by cable TV. There are channels for Asians and Hispanics as well, plus majority of stuff on major networks is White Entartainment Television. So should we call ABC, CBS and NBC racist too?
You would be correct if it was not for the fact i was a minority growing up in a mostly balck community. If you can find any racial undertone in my statements then that is the same opinions that still cause racial problems today. So racism is not just a one way street where black people are discriminated against. If I did not have first hand accounts of reverse racism then I would not comment on racism in the first place. And the last time I checked ABC, NBC, and CBS all had minority characters on there shows. Any white person portrayed on BET is stereotyped as the white person who cant dance or the white person trying to rap.
And why is it that when a white person shares there views they are expressing racism unconsciouly? I could have been a black male and posted the same comments, would that make me racist against my own race? It's too many things going on in the world to say somebody is being held down because of there nationality. If someone wants to make something of themselves they will.
If we can't agree on the definition of the word, racism, then it is difficult to discuss this issue with you without conflict and confusion. My point is that America is mainly a white country, where one group has more power than all others. I am not saying racism against whites doesn't exist, but it is a known fact that a lot more blacks endure racism on institutional, indiviual and group levels. Saying whites face racism just as much or more than blacks totally diminishes the seriousness of racism faced by minorities. And let's not forget the fact that your and my ancestors walked off the boats unchained when they came to this country.
As for your comment, " If someone wants to make something of themselves they will." I could not agree less with this statement. There are certain oppurtunities available to some people that are not available to others mainly due to money, background and quality of education issues. Sure, there are a few rags to riches stories, but you need to take social factors into consideration before making a blanket statement.
I have taken those into consideration. My whole blog this time was how race is always factored in to arguements like this. And you have proven my point. Everybody has the oppurtunity to go into the military and get an education out of it. If somebody commits a crime they commit it because that is who they are not because of there social environment or skin color.
And you made a good point, mine and your ancestors stepped of a boat, most of America are immigrants and many nationalities came over as slaves, not just the African slaves.
My black and italian friends nicknamed me Irish just because they did not want to have a freind who was labeled white.
But you have proven my point, anytime race is discussed it always comes out that the black population has been deprived and not given the social chances other races have been given. Like I said before everybody has a choice to make something out of there life. Regardless of race.
Please enlighten me. What other immigrants came to this country against their will? Irish came to this country to escape tyranny from the English. They didn't come here as slaves. They were free to do whatever they wanted. African Americans came to this country because of the slave trade. They were slaves for about 150 years. They were thought of as animals. They had no rights. Anyways, you totally miss my point on the racism issue, but I digress.
I am confused by the following statement you made: "My black and italian friends nicknamed me Irish just because they did not want to have a freind who was labeled white."
Irish people are not considered white? What are they? green? I thought in the mid 17th century all of the Europeans became identified as White. Am I wrong? It sounds like you want to shed the white label off while enjoying all the privileges of having a white skin.
Ha Irish people green that was very cute. Maybe you missed the point or maybe that was just yoru unconscious way of making a racist remark against Irish people. The point was that my freinds from different minority backgrounds did not want the idea of having a white friend so they called me Irish. It is not a difficult idea to comprehend.
I have to say I do not enjoy any special benefits because of my skin color and everything I have i earned. I take responsiblities for my actions and I never blame it on the environment I grew up in.
Oh Mike - you always have to dabble in the interesting subjects don't you? You'll never win this one; but I understand points from both sides. I however, do not believe racism still exists. At least not to the extent it is publicized. Thought my career I have had maybe 2-3 white leaders; the rest black, Hispanic etc. Both military and civilian. Does it bother me? Not a bit - but it does confuse me why so many think that the opportunity is not there for all races. I also do not believe this country is run mostly by whites. Bittersweet, you say comments by Mike only add fuel to the widening racial divide and polarization - don't you think the regurgitation of the same "we don't receive the same treatment, we don't have the same opportunity" stuff gets old to the people that consider you equal? If I'm ignorant to a much deeper issue than what is apparent then I am truly sorry.
Maybe I see far too many people that HAVE the opportunity but ignore it trying to pull a race card than I actually see legitimate cases. If so, I apologize.
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